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3nd Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology CTCrypt`2014

3nd Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology CTCrypt`2014 
Workshop CTCrypt`2014 is affiliated with 9th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia CSR 2014
June 5-6, 2014, Moscow, Russia 
The workshop is organized by the Russian Technical Committee for Standardization TC 26 «Cryptography and Security Mechanisms», the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation, and Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS with the support of the InfoTeCS JSC.
Scope and Topics 
Research papers on all technical aspects of cryptology are welcome. The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to the: 
  • design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms; analysis of internationally standardized cryptographic algorithms;
  • efficient implementation of cryptanalytic techniques;
  • security evaluation of Russian cryptographic algorithms;
  • efficient implementation of Russian cryptographic algorithms.
Program Chairs 
  • Vladimir Sachkov (Academy of Cryptography, Moscow, Russia),
  • Aleksei Kuz’min (TC 26, Moscow, Russia).
Program Committee 
  • Mikhail Glukhov (Academy of Cryptography, Moscow, Russia)
  • Igor Kachalin (TC 26, Moscow, Russia)
  • Anatoly Lunin (TC 26, Moscow, Russia)
  • Dmitry Matyukhin (TC 26, Moscow, Russia)
  • Aleksandr Nechaev (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
  • Andrei Pichkur (Educational and Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Russia on Education in Information Security, Moscow, Russia)
  • Eduard Primenko (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
  • Aleksandr Shoitov (Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University), Moscow, Russia)
  • Andrei Zubkov (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Important dates 
Deadline for the paper submission: March 3, 2014 
Notification: April 14, 2014 
Official languages: English and Russian 
Paper language: English 
Electronic presentation language: English 
Submission and Publication 
Original papers on all technical aspects of cryptology are solicited for submission to CTCrypt 2014. Program committee plans to have regular sessions and posters presentations. It is also supposed that several invited talks from leading Russian experts in cryptography will be offered. 
Program Committee invites submissions in the form of papers (up to 10 pages according to LaTeX options given below) in English. Proofs and other material which are omitted due to the space constraints should be put into a separate appendix dedicated for the referees. Submissions (in LaTeХ and PDF formats) should be sent as attachments by e-mail with subject line “CTCrypt 2014” to Anatoly Lunin ( The receipt confirmation will be sent within 3 days.
Short abstracts of accepted papers will be published at CTCrypt 2014 web page before the workshop. Pre-proceedings of the workshop will be published on CD and distributed to the participants at the registration desk. Program committee plans to publish the final versions of selected papers in the post-proceedings of the workshop. The presentation of the paper at the workshop is a necessary prerequisite for the publication in the post-proceedings. 
The questions to discuss: 
Practical aspects of cryptography usage in modern information protection tools
Legislation and regulation
Product certification
Secure application development
Security functions in software
Security inspection and monitoring, and application code analysis 
Vulnerabilities scanning techniques 
Does `certified’ mean `safe’?
Trusted environment - Myth or Reality?
Cryptography for government-controlled Internet

Thursday, June 5

Registration 09:30–10:00


Topic Speaker Time
  Welcome speech Vladimir Sachkov 10:00–10:05
1. Distributions and inequalities for the number of marked cells in a sequential particle allocation scheme (invited talk) Andrey Zubkov, Alexander Serov 10:05–10:35
2. On the limiting mean values in probabilistic models of time-memory-data tradeoff methods Dmitry Pilshchikov 10:35–10:55
3. Compound Poisson approximation for the distribution of the number of monotone tuples in random sequence Alexander Minakov 10:55–11:10
4. On the complexity of two-dimensional discrete logarithm problem in a finite cyclic group with efficient endomorphism Maxim Nikolaev 11:10–11:30
  Coffee Break 11:30–12:00
5. Digit sequences of skew linear recurrences of maximal period over Galois rings Mikhail Goltvanitsa 12:00–12:20
6. Evaluation of a number of integers in an interval having no more than 3 large prime factors Alexander Rybakov 12:20–12:40
7. Synthesis of balanced threshold functions by a geometric method Danil Soshin 12:40–12:55
8. Gray codes with the step k Andrey Menyachikhin 12:55–13:10
Lunch Break 13:10–15:00
9. Non-associative algebraic structures in cryptography and coding (invited talk) Viktor Markov, Alexander Mikhalev, Alexander Nechaev 15:00–15:30
10. Block ciphers SIMON and SPECK (invited talk) Mikhail Tuzhilin 15:30–15:45
11. On the Computational Security of Randomized Stream Ciphers Proposed by Mihaljević and Imai Anton Alekseychuk, Sergey Gryshakov 15:45–16:00
12. Random generation of MDS matrices P. Freyre, N. Diaz, R. Diaz, C. Perez 16:00–16:15
Coffee Break 16:15–16:40
13. GOST 28147-89 masking against side channel attacks Sergey Matveev 16:40–17:00
14. Algorithms for minimization of the number of logic elements in a circuit implementing S-box Boolean Functions Nikolay Borisenko, Hoang Duc Tho 17:00–17:15
15. Security properties of certain authenticated key exchange protocols Sergey Grebnev 17:15–17:30
16. OpenPGP and Russian cryptography Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov 17:30–17:45
  Official Dinner 19:00–21:30


Friday, June 6

Topic Speaker Time
1. A Research Perspective on Cryptographic Algorithms (invited talk) Bart Preneel 10:00–11:00  
2. Preimage Awareness and Collision Resistance of GOST R 34.11-2012 hash function (invited talk) Grigory Sedov 11:00–11:15  
3. Authenticated Encryption from GOST R 34.11-2012 LPS Permutation Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen   11:15–11:35  

Coffee Break

4. Low-Weight and Hi-End: Draft Russian Encryption Standard (invited talk)   Vasily Shishkin, Denis Dygin, Ivan Lavrikov, Grigory Marshalko, Vladimir Rudskoy, Dmitry Trifonov   12:00–12:15  
5. High-Speed Software Implementation of the Prospective 128-bit Block Cipher and Streebog Hash-Function   Mikhail Borodin, Andrey Rybkin, Alexey Urivskiy   12:15–12:30  
6. On the performance of a perspective LSX-based block cipher   Evgeny Alekseev, Vladimir Popov, Anton Prokhorov, Stanislav Smyshlyaev, Lolita Sonina   12:30–12:50  
7. Implementation of an XSL block cipher with MDS-matrix linear transformation on NVIDIA CUDA   Denis Fomin   12:50–13:20  
8. High-Speed Implementation of GOST R 34.10-2012 Digital Signature   Mikhail Borodin, Andrey Rybkin   13:20–13:35  
9. Comparison of Simulated Annealing and Balas Algorithms for Solving Pseudo-Boolean Linear Inequalities Systems Natal'ya Anashkina, Andrey Shurupov 13:35–13:50

Lunch Break


Round table "Actual issues of application of cryptography in Russia"

Alexey Kuzmin, Technical Committee for Standardization (TK26) "Cryptographic protection of information"

Coffee Break 16:20–16:40

Round table "Hour of practical cryptography"

Dmitry Matyuhin
, Technical Committee for Standardization (TK26) "Cryptographic protection of information"
Dmitry Gusev, InfoTeCS
