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5th Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology (CTCrypt’2015)

5th Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology (CTCrypt’2015)
June 06–08, 2016 (Russia, Yaroslavl)

Organized by

  • Russian Technical Committee for Standardization TC 26 «Cryptography and security mechanisms»
  • Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation
  • Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Science

The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to the:

  • Design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms; analysis of internationally standardized cryptographic algorithms;
  • Efficient implementation of cryptanalytic techniques;
  • Security evaluation of Russian cryptographic algorithms;
  • Efficient implementation of Russian cryptographic algorithms.

Invited speakers:

  • Xiaoyun Wang (China)
  • Markku-Juhani Olavi Saarinen (UK)

Special topic of this year: – “The future of asymmetric cryptography”:  Whether the recent theoretical results in elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem can affect elliptic curve cryptography in practice? 

CTCrypt 2016 gives the unique opportunity to get answer on this question first hand, because authors of these newest results have confirmed their participation in the discussion:

  • Claus Diem (Germany)
  • Igor Semaev (Norway)
  • Christoph Petit (UK) – online participation
  • Steven Galbraith (New Zealand) – online participation

The Workshop program also includes discussions practical aspects of ensuring information security with the use cryptographic facilities (will be held in Russian):

  1. Discussion of the project of open Requirements for encryption (cryptographic) facilities. For the first time such document will be discussed in an open session with participation of the regulatory authority representative.
  2. Cryptography in the internet of things.

Program Chairs

  • Vladimir Sachkov (Academy of Cryptography,  Russia)
  • Aleksei Kuzmin (TC 26, Russia)

Program Committee

  • Sergey Agievich (Research Institute for Applied Problems of Mathematics and Informatics, Belarus)
  • Xiaoyun Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
  • Mikhail Glukhov (Academy of Cryptography, Russia)
  • Valery Durnev (Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia)
  • Andrei Zubkov (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS,  Russia)
  • Lev Kazarin (Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia)
  • Igor Kachalin (TC 26, Russia)
  • Anatoly Lunin (TC 26, Russia)
  • Grigory Marshalko (TC 26,  Russia)
  • Dmitry Matyukhin (TC 26,  Russia)
  • Andrei Pichkur (Educational and Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Russia on Education in Information Security, Russia)
  • Bart Preneel (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
  • Eduard Primenko (Lomonosov Moscow State University,  Russia)
  • Saarinen Markku-Juhani Olavi (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom)
  • Mikhail Tuzhilin (TC 26, Russia)
  • Sergey Checheta (Educational and Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Russia on Education in Information Security, Russia)
  • Yury Kharin (Research Institute for Applied Problems of Mathematics and Informatics, Belarus)
  • Aleksandr Shoitov (Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radiotechnics and  Electronics, Russia)
  • Amr Youssef (Concordia University, Canada)

Monday 6.06

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.30 Registration
14.30-14.40 Vladimir Sachkov. Welcome speech
14.40-16.10 Design and analysis of cryptographic mechanisms I
14.40-15.20 Xiaoyun Wang. Bit Cryptanalysis on symmetric ciphers (Invited talk)
15.20-15.45 Dmitry Burov, Boris Pogorelov. The influence of linear mapping reducibility on  choice of round constant
15.45-16.10 Alexandr Semenov. Analysis of the Russian key-agreement protocols using automated verification tools
16.10-16.35 Coffee break
16.35-17.10 Quantum cryptography and technologies I (invited speakers from RQC)
16.35-16.50 Alexey Fedorov, Post-processing platform for industrial quantum key distribution setup (invited talk)
16.50-17.10 Yury Kurochkin, Vladimir Kurochkin, Andrey Masyukov, Alexandr Miller, Vadim Radimin, Quantum Key Distribution In Optical Fiber Carriers (Invited talk)
17.10-17.15 Track change
17.15-18.05 Design and analysis of cryptographic mechanisms II
17.15-17.40 Evgeniy Alekseev, Igor Oshkin, Stanislav Smyshlyaev, Lolita Sonina, Liliya Ahmetzyanova. On the properties of the CTR encryption mode of the Magma and Kuznyechik block ciphers with re-keying method based on CryptoPro Key Meshing
17.40-18.05 Alexey Nesterenko. A New Authenticated Encryption Mode For Arbitrary Block Cipher Based On Universal Hash Function
18.30-20:30 Welcome party


Tuesday 7.06

09.30-11.10 Probablistic aspects of cryptography and steganography 09.30-11.25 Algebraic aspects of cryptography
09.30-09.55 Andrey Ivanov. On the distribution of the minimal distance between the numbers of the outcomes of the equiprobable urn scheme 09.30-09.55 Reyner Antonio de la Cruz, Oleg Kamlovsky. On some properties of Walsh coefficients of boolean functions
09.55-10.20 Alexandr Serov. Images of finite set under iterations of two random dependent mappings 09.55-10.20 Sergey Katyshev, Andrey Zyazin. Necessary conditions for commutativity of right powers in finite-dimensional algebras over a field
10.20-10.45 Artem Volgin. The Square Root Law in the Problem of Detection Embeddings in Markov Chains With Unknown Transition Probabilities Matrix 10.20-10.45 Anton Baryshnikov, Sergey Katyshev. Key agreement schemes based on linear groupoids
10.45-11.10 Yuriy Kharin, Egor Vecherko. Statistical inferences on embeddings in steganography 10.45-11.10 Mikhail Goltvanitca. Non-commutative  Hamilton-Cayley's Theorem and roots of characteristic polynomials of skew maximal period linear recurrences  over Galois rings
11.10-11.40 Coffee break 11.10-11.25  Sergey Zaitsev. On transformations, decreasing linear complexity of MP LRS
11.25-11.40 Coffee break
11.40-13.20 The future of asymmetric cryptography
11.40-12.20 Igor Semaev. Decomposition Attacks on the Elliptic curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (Invited talk)
12.20-12.40 Claus Diem. A sceptical view on decomposition attacks (Invited talk)
12.40-13.10 Panel discussion
13.10-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Design and analysis of cryptographic mechanisms III
14.00-14.40 Markku-Yuhani Olavi Saarinen, Towards quantum resistant cryptography standards (invited talk)
14.40-15.05 Sergey Lozhkin, Mikhail Shupletsov, Boris Danilov. Synthesis of Asymptotically Size-Optimal Boolean Circuits Protected from Functionality Inference
15.05-15.30 Sergey Agievich, Vadim Marchuk, Alexandr Maslau, Vlad Semenov. Bash-f: another LRX sponge function
15.30-15.55 Coffee break
15.55-17.10 TC26 open day I (Panel discussion "Requirements for cryptodevices")
17.10-17.15 Track change
17.15-18.30 TC26 open day II (Panel discussion "Cryptography for IoT")
19.00-21.00 Gala dinner


Wednesday 8.06

10.00-11.05 Quantum cryptography and technologies II
10.00-10.15 Anton Trushechkin, Quantum cryptography with pseudorandom bases and the problem of quantum state discrimination (Invited talk)
10.15-10.40 Igor Arbekov. Practical security criterion
10.40-11.05 Dmitry Kronberg. Error correction in quantum cryptography using LPDC-codes
11.05-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.25 Design and analysis of cryptographic mechanisms IV
11.30-11.55 Andrey Menyachikhin. Spectral-linear and spectral-difference methods for generating  cryptographically strong S-boxes
11.55-12.10 Mikhail Borodin, Andrey Rybkin, Alexey Urivskiy. Collision Probability for a PRNG Based on Block Ciphers
12.10-12.25 Mikhail Borodin and Ivan Chizhov. Cryptanalysis of the McEliece PKC based on (k-1)-Reed-Muller subcodes
12.25-12.30 Track change
12.30-13.30 Rump-session (5 minutes talks)
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-17.30 Sightseeing program