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Preliminary program

Monday, 05.06

10.00-10.10 Welcome speech
Vladimir Sachkov
Design and analysis
10.10-10.50 Cryptography today (invited talk)
Jean-Philippe Aumasson
10.50-11.20 On cryptographic properties of the CVV and PVV parameters generation procedures in payment systems
Liliya Ahmetzyanova, Evgeny Alekseev, Grigory Karpunin, Stanislav Smyshlyaev
11.20-11.50 Parallel and double block cipher mode of operation (PD-mode) for authenticated encryption
Vladislav Nozdrunov
11.50-12.00 Track change
12.00-12.40 Historical evidence about the beginning and formation of the Russian cryptography (XVI — XVII centuries) (invited)
Vladimir Nikonov, Boris Stolpakov
12.40-14.00 Lunch
Algebraic aspects I (In memory of Alexey Kuzmin)
14.00-14.10 Opening remarks
Aleksandr Shoitov
14.10-14.40 The heritage of Alexey Kuzmin (invited)
Vasily Shishkin
14.40-15.10 Equidistant filters based on skew ML-sequnces over fields
Mikhail Goltvanitsa
15.10-15.40 An Approach to Studying Periods of Binary Digit-position Sequences over Prime Rings
Sergey Kuzmin
15.40-16.10 Coffee-break
Symmetric cryptography I
16.10-16.40 Practical secrecy of a key under individual attack in quantum cryptography
Igor Arbekov
16.40-17.10 Group Properties of Block Ciphers of the Russian Standards GOST R 34.11-2012 and GOST R 34.12-2015
Viktoriya Vlasova, Marina Pudovkina
17.10-17.40 On Implementation of Kuznyechik in Software
Andrey Rybkin
19.00-21.00 Welcome party

Tuesday, 06.06

9:00-9:10 TC 26 – in the vanguard of standardisation. For 10 years already
Alexey Urivskiy
Quantum cryptography in Russia: from theory to practice
9.10-9.25 Stare-of-the-art in quantum cryptography research
Andrey Korolkov
9.25-9.55 Short talks
9.55-10.40 Panel discussion
10.40-11.00 Coffee Break
Blockchain in Russia: market expectations and experts’ opinions
11.00-11.10 Standartisation of blockchain
Maxim Shevchenko
11.10-11.20 Blockchain research and production-ready systems
Sasha Ivanov
11.20-11.50 Challenges in blockchain research
Alexandr Chepurnoy, Dmitry Meshkov
11.40-13.00 Panel discussion
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Asymmetric cryptography
14.00-14.30 On the security properties of Russian standardized elliptic curves
Evgeny Alekseev, Vasily Nikolaev, Stanislav Smyshlyaev
14.30-15.00 Some Security Comparisons of GOST R 34.10-2012 and ECDSA Signature Schemes
Trieu Quang Phong and Nguyen Quoc Toan
15.00-15.30 Approximate Common Divisor Problem and Lattice Sieving
Kirill Zhukov
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
Probablistic aspects
16.00-16.30 Estimates of extremal codeword weights of random linear codes over F_p
Andrei Zubkov, Vasiliy Kruglov
16.30-17.00 Poisson approximation for non-decreasing runs in Markov chains
Alexander Minakov
17.00-17.30 The limit theorem for the image size of a subset under composition of random mappings
Andrey Zubkov, Aleksandr Serov
17.30-17.35 Track change
  Primitivity and local primitivity of digraphs and matrices
V.M. Fomichev, Y.E. Avezova, A. M. Koreneva, S.N. Kyazhin
  An algebraic approach to the cryptanalysis of encryption scheme Kuznyechik
Dilmuhanbet Dyusenbayev, Kunbolat Algazy, Saule Nyssanbayeva
19:00-21:00 Gala dinner

Wednesday, 07.06

Symmetric cryptography II
09.20-10.00 Structural attacks on block ciphers (invited)
Gregor Leander
10.00-10.30 The permutation group insight on diffusion property of linear mappings
Dmitry Burov, Boris Pogorelov
10.30-11.00 The branch numbers of linear transformations in encryption algorithms
Andrey Erokhin, Fedor Malyshev, Andrey Trishin
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
Algebraic aspects II
11.30-12.00 On construction of correlation-immune functions via minimal functions
Evgeny Alekseev, Ekaterina Karelina, Oleg Logachev
12.00-12.30 On the construction of generalized approximations for one filter generator key recovery method
Evgeny Alekseev, Liudmila Kushchinskaya
12.30-13.00 The upper period's bound of the LCG sequence over the Galois rings
Dmitry Ermilov
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Leaving Repino hotel
15.00-18.00 Sightseeing